At Art Dump Photos we love vintage Black and White Photographs. Our Mission is to bring these photographs back to life.

We do this by:

Rescuing - Finding old photos that have been lost, buried in various archives and other sources.

Researching - Over time, we discover bits and pieces of the Who, What, Where and When of the photos. Our knowledge of a specific photo will improve over time, and we will share these insights. This is especially important so that we do not infringe on anyone’s copyrights.

Restoring - Many old photographs exist in the physical world as glass negatives. Over the decades these negatives become damaged and degraded. We use Artificial Intelligence software to “fix” these photos so that they can be enjoyed by all.

In short, Art Dump Photos’ mission is to find these moments that are frozen in time and bring them back into the world.

Visit our Store to see the photographs available, there are currently around 200 to see. Also, check back from time to time to see our New Additions category.

If you have questions or comments, please email us at…